

All About Color

I'm usually pretty neutral when it comes to my wardrobe and accessories (it's usually black on black on black - sometimes a splash of green or pink, but that's asking a lot). However, recently I have been CRAZY about color! Well, I haven't really been wearing a lot of color, but I am considering incorporating quite a few vibrant pieces into my wardrobe for spring and summer. Seeing all these gorgeous bursts or neon and bright colors is so refreshing and beautiful. Here are a few pieces I am drooling over...

One of my favorite pieces from Heidi Merrick's spring collection. I fell in love with it when I first saw it in person at Oliver and Lilly's.

I`ve been very much into oranges lately...

Aqua aura crystals are one of my favorites, turn it into a bullet necklace and oh la la.

Handmade beauty for only $75. This satchel also comes in a bright neon green and pink. She also does cute flats and oxfords for very reasonable prices.

Nothing like a burst of sunshine to put me in a smiley mood. 

No its not something I would wear, but it would sure make a beautiful accent to any room in my house (and it would help with geography class...well if I were actually taking geography - I could totally sleep and study at the same time)

Have any of you lovelies been into color lately? What colorful pieces would you incorporate into your wardrobe?



Front and Company Rummage Sale ♥

It's that time of year again: it's time for Front and Company's Rummage Sale! Time to get up nice and early for a cup of coffee on Main Street and roll up your sleeves while lining up to get into the gem consignment store for crazy deal goodies

've been able to go to every sale they've had for the past 2 years or so now and each time I've come home with amazing finds. One year I scored a pair of COH Jeggings and a pair of super cute Prada sandals while last year I managed to dig up a couple James Perse tanks, a funky Surface To Air top and a little Marc By Marc Jacobs watch. Despite the crowd and hectic atmosphere, it's actually quite fun. I love browsing through the accessories and stationary from their store next door (they usually have a table outside if the weather is nice - crossing my fingers for sun this weekend).

'll definitely be stopping by this weekend (hopefully before) work to see what treasures are to be found! I hope you lovelies will have the time to stop by and do some digging (and share your finds)!

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